
Monday, April 5, 2010

Leveling Guide: The Early Rogue 1-20

So. When I leveled my rogue I have to admit that I skipped from levels 3 to 30 by using the Recruit-A-Friend function.

Anyways, rogues have a unique playstyle, in that the use a quickly regenerating resource- energy.

As you level, you should plan on getting behind your target and stabbing them to death quickly and efficiently. Be sure to keep all your health potions and your foods as rogues can have survivability issues- perhaps moreso than any other class. All the other classes except warriors can either heal themselves or kite their enemy. Warriors, unlike rogues were built to withstand damage and can hold off more enemies.

To help survive, level cooking and first aid so you have a steady supply of health suppliers. Additionally, picking up herbalism for Lifeblood is a good move.

When picking your spec, figure out what you want to focus on. Both Assassination and Combat give strong damage output but Subtlety can allow you to avoid mobs you don't need to fight.

For all of them, having a slow main-hand can be very helpful because it has a higher upper damage limit which allows your abilities to hit harder.

Assassination is a crit-heavy spec so you want to gear for Agility (which lends to both AP and Crit) or crit itself. While AP is still useful- it is not nearly as useful as the others. If you want to go with Assassination, I would recommend starting with this spec.

Combat is based on two-weapon fighting and improving your chance to hit. Talents add to hit and expertise as well as focusing on specific weapons. In this and future guides I will not suggest which of those to take, because at you can spend those points elsewhere, depending upon your gear. i would begin assigning your points in this fashion.

Subtlety is focused entirely on avoiding unnecessary fights and being able to sap or blind targets that you don't want to fight, but are too close. With this spec, you will be able to dodge higher level mobs with a great deal more confidence.

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